Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Anti-Matter Blog

I remember talking to a friend who suggested I should write something about "Anti-matter". Till this day I have been thinking. The problem with anti-matter is that nobody knows if it exists. Infact, matter by defination is something that can be felt/seen/smelt etc.. effectively they have an existance. However anti-matter, just be virtue of its english meaning does not enjoy an existance.

It all stared when a guy named Paul Dirac was solving his recently invented equation in quantum mechanics. As is with most mathematical equations, he got a negitive solution for one of the calculations for the energy of an electron. Instead of following the convention of ignoring the negative solution, he decided to propose the concept of an anti-matter particle. Since then it is believed that every particle in this universe has an anti-matter particle. If their is a collision between the two, they annihilate each other to produce energy as per Uncle Albert's famous E=mc^2 equation.

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