Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Bike collector

Yes thats me. I am probably the only international student in ASU who owns three bikes. No , I did not start this hobby out of my own free will rather a series of unfortunate events led to it.
My first bike was a 53 dollar "mountain fury" from walmart. I rode it for a semester with a 10 dollar U-Lock. Alas one day the 10 dollar U-Lock got stuck while the bike was parked in front of my appartment house. I tried the whole week to open it and broke both my keys in the process. Unsucessful as I was, I started looking for a replacement.
Luckly we had a spare bike in our household. One of my room-mate's former room-mate had graduated to a four wheeled car so he didnt feel the need for a two wheeler. As a result I got my second bike a "Glacier point Magna" for free. This time I chose to invest 20 dollars in a big master U-Lock. I was happy with my bike's performance the second semestor. But fate had planned it otherwise. During summer when I had locked my second bike alongsode my first bike, I lost my keys to the U-Lock(yes all of them). Without the keys I came down back to catching a bus every day to school with two bike buried in my graveyard.
School is starting in a weeks time. To prevent us from the dependance on bus timings, today me and my friends Srini got ourselves a refurbished (like new) bikes for 40 dollars a piece. Mine is a purple colored 15 speed , both brakes working, water bottle included diamond back mountian bike. Its a cool bike, I got a 10 dollar U-Lock too. I hope I can ride this one more than a semester. I only have two more to go...

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